Forums - (CVS2) IORI advanced strats and tactics...... Show all 49 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- (CVS2) IORI advanced strats and tactics...... ( Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:11:2002 05:19 PM: (CVS2) IORI advanced strats and tactics...... this the day that i will finally be able to make this thread....ive treid making many threads since my kim one but i only got the ryu one out, beni was made but no once cared(nethier did i though so i died.) i had a ken one i had a iori one and i think i had chang and maybe someone else, but well before i posted them i was im bored i dun wanna post this.... =/ BUT!!! Today is sssssssooooooooo different. Its comin' today. Beside for the time being i cant do anything else.....things are getting painted and im stuck to one room pretty much and i have nothing to do! oh yeah you came here for some iori strats...ok lets get this thread started.... First of all lets assume you know basic type stuff as i dun wanna get into it really. Iori is really he is...even from a artistic perspective hes a real cool character. And when the character is cool and there good....and there FUN to play..well its a good day. Iori is from KOF but you knew that i hope. Also im gonna post this thread today again but i dunno it might be short cuz well im really lazy after writing these im not sure if you should expect something like the kim or ryu one sorry. OK quick run down of the moves.....(i love kof but the names are kinda shady to me so i dunno all or them...) qcf+p (dark thrust??) His fireball(no not his dp oniyaki thing even though its called fireball this is a fireball not onyaki which is a fireball which is not a which is a aghhhh.....right. All stop while im a head or something)...great fireball......besides when your in a character match up which is sorta inevitable in SF games...shit i gotta say though his fireball has good good as a matter a fact. Well acctualy it should be better, but i think its pretty horrible when you compare ryu to iori fireball wise. Good recovery again.....To bad he doesnt have a super fast one like kof oh those were the days.... Hcb+k umm yeah...ok this move sorta sucks. Doest beat sweeps like kof isnt fast like kof there for least almost....when zoning with the fireballs you can use this to beat them if they roll.....Its acctualy takes a sorta anticapation to do it though....which can really suck since well what if you guess wrong...yeah umm that sucks....Its beats some air moves like hurricane kick, or hahomaurs slash. It does a ok amount of gaurd of the lesser used moves really IMO. qcb+p X3 Ok first of all fuck roll cancling i dont give a shit about that stuff. So what ever im not(at least hopefully not) gonna post stratagys how to use it. This is ok after a blocked chain, poking combonations ect. The safest bet is to stop after one, but you can stop after 2 and then see if you can maybe fake them out with the ducking hk after words...though its sorta risky as theres more delay if you do 2 and you can be hit afterwords with a quick move. Last hit is a overhead yadda yadda.... dp+k oh he doesnt have this move..oh yeah.....dont worry this wasnt the greatest move in KOF anyway...he should still have it though.... scum gale(hcb,f +p) A command throw...not as usefull as KOF since throws dont have invincablity start up in this no anti airing some one with this sorry...also throws dont combo ect....Not that its useless though...its all right sometimes.... Onyaki(dp+p) His shoryuken, dp ect. type move....the FLAMES do not hit what the fuck is up with this???.....anyway i havent messed around with ioris DP as much as say ryus but they have the best dps in the game i would say. Im not sure to say that ioris can beat anything say like ryus can beat anything id have to test it out.....I know it has alot though ive betting the level 3s with for the kim air super test well i know when i did the fierce neither one of us hit the i definity has invincablity.....again though hopefully people know by now that its fierce oniyakis for the air attacks and the jab oniyakis for the ground attacks. Madien masher(qcf,hcb+p) Great move!!!!..dayum im suprised its this level 1 its amazing besides the speed factor your really playing with a slightly toned down KOF madien masher...hugh air priorty or should i say higher attacks to the ground prioirty....level 1 madien masher will beat level 3 supers like balrog(boxers) back foward back foward kick move....just a example...beat most air attacks....very rarely will this get beat...great for traps ect. Arguably IMO the best level 1 in the game...... 8 wine glasses(qcb,hcf+p) Ok well this move isnt to good...i never thought this move was the best thing..Even in KOF its pretty shady and you can use your stocks or what ever for better purposes. Its all right i mean well no its not all right...i rarely use this honestly. You know what its for really just that doesnt mean your gonna use it now does it? He had that one trap in S groove with it in the first game...but ya know what i thought that could get pretty boring anyway so its better that they took it out....besides the more the characters are like there KOF versions the better. Though i guess it did make the move pretty usefull, but oh well im rambling all stop. OK a basic discreption of how i play iori is i play offensive untill i have the lead and then go into a fireball/dp/madien masher trap......more on it later though ok lets get into the grooves... C= Its a good groove its great that you can have a level 3 and not have to use it as when i do my traps with iori the level 1 is honestly just as good as the level 3 so like say im charged like i used my stock...well when the oponent jumps its gotta be the level 3 madien C i can save it just use the level 1. Iori is damn slick also....i mean all give cacpom credit man does iori just like i dunno iori flows really well in just about any groove. Super cancles are nice just be like level 2 madien masher oniyaki what ever...also you can roll to...and well iori and kim have the best rolls in the game arguably... A= A groove is iori is down right scary!! least from what i hear...... If youve read anything else ive written about its that i dun care to much for iori....supers charge up pretty fast so you got alot of like level 1 madien mashers at the ready...and well iori has a lot of good CC.....gaurd crush ones like reapeated oniyakis and such, its gotta be fast though...but again i dun care for A groove so all stop sure theres some other people who like love iori in a groove so they can speak for this.... P= hmmm well na....i dun care for p groove.....probably knew that though eh? S= well you lose roll for infinite madien mashers.....good deal?? a bad deal i suppose..but still what if you die while trying to get to red?......that one 8 wine glass trap is gone....and well not a bad groove but he has better. N= I use to play a tone n groove iori...but when i started picking iori and i thought that i would play him in tournments i just sorta gave up on N groove as i just decided to pick him in C so i could play him with kim.....not that i dont play in N anymore just sorta out practice with him....running is good. Running rolling , running dps ect....running is stttttrrrrrrrooooong. Low jump is ok of course...but i get get messed many times cuz i play to much kof.....Out of low jumps doing just a oniyaki is good(of you hit of course.) Lots of level 1 is good.... K = my brother plays K groove iori.....i dont though....and of course i dont play to much of K groove at all really. Sorry no help for you K groove users from me. Bread and butter combo Basicly just down lkX3 qcb+pX3...easy.....effective. CHEAP THROWS(or just throwing in genral) OK basicly rolling and throwing is good. Jump at the oponent or low jump at the oponent do your back+lk (this will miss) then land and throw....down lk throw....umm...hmmm...ok ive been seeing this alot lately..for what ever reason i dunno..its a old kof tactic.....but for some reason its seems to be working....i dunno maybe im just not good at doing it or something but im honestly suprised when it hits in this game..basicly cross up the oponent(with the back +lk) then do the scum gale. A ok tactic in KOF a bad one in cvs at least i thought it was....i know my brother never seems to fall for it or anyone else ive tried it on in this game...maybe it just has a differnt timing in cvs or something. If the oponent blocks a late level 1 8 wine glasses you could scum gale them also.....some one once had a whole set up for this i remember reading about....unfortantly of course you could always delay get up....not horrible or anything like that its all right....good to know i suppose....Again though i ussaly thorw with iori after i roll or something like that. STOPING ROLLS Basicly doing your bread and butter combo ussaly does the trick......also as i said earlier the hcb+k is all right........if you have the super do a ducking lkX3 standing lk the madien masher...fairly easy to buffer since its just like ducking lkX3 qcf+lk hcb+p......Also dash back sweep dash back brother uses's this tactic pretty well at sorta have to anticapate it but it works pretty well if you can. Throw them out of the roll. If you vs a character whos roll is fast or something you could always do a attack that stays out there slightly longer like a ducking mk or something like that.....when your zoneing your opponents also doing the madien masher is good for this as well. If your quick you could try and scum gale them out of the roll.... MOVING WITH IORI AND LIKE ROLLING Ok yeah this is like stupid in know...but i mean iori is just like real slick feeling....i mean can you imagine if he had his back dash glitch from KOF!!!??????....BWHA HA HA HA HA. He doesnt though so dont get excited man...calm down.....ok thats good......Iori and rolling go pretty much hand and hand for me....his roll is better than kims in the since that its just as fast but goes farther and allowing you to cross up easier.....though this is not always if you underestimate the roll you may screw your self.....Dashing back then a quick dash foward then roll out of the dash(you dont roll out of the dash like cancle it but iori flows from his moves much easier IMO from his dashes than other characters....jsut be like dash oniyaki dash roll dash dash back ect....really nice.)I dash a tone with iori its fun to so thats good.....Just be like dashing back real fast then dash foward then maybe roll after words....or if you have running stop the run with a roll or stop it with a back dasn.....i dunno i know im repeating my self but its real easy and simple yet its a big part of his game for me. Dashing just flows so well for him....When your in close like a ducking LKX3 into a standing mk into like a roll then throw or maybe after the standing mk do a dash back...what ever...jsut no the distance of everything....all go into some stratagies in a bit for postitoing and such in a bit to set some stuff up..... OK im gonna stop there....just wanna make sure everything gets there....all start the second part right now. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:11:2002 06:00 PM: Ok im back..... PATTERNS UP CLOSE most of the time everything is gonna start with a ducking lk...from there you can do this..... 1)ducking lkX2 2)ducking lk 3)standing fierce 4)roll 1a)standing mk 2a)standing mp, toward+mp, qcb+p(or instead of the qcb+p at the end you could jsut dash back real fast and space yourself) 3a)qcf+p 4a)throw 1ab)go ro 4 2b)ducking mp, then try a sweep(use this to more like poke your oponent.) 3ab)go to 4 4b) oniyaki 3b) qcb+p 4c) standing fierce into a combo(the standing fierce comes out pretty fast out of the can be risky but if you feel like this than you can do that.) 4d)go to the very beging(ducking lk patterns ect...) Ok sorry i gotta stop there....cuz well WTF?? i just wrote this very confusing like.....i dont remember the patterns being this confusing when i wrote the kim..really sorry about try to work with me here.... Ok some things to add....after the qcb+p again if you feel lucky you can try to add one more on or something like that. Also remember to move im sounding real stupid..just remember about dashing after rolls after dash back roll ect....try to make it one countinues thing. So add what ever you feel to that.....I personaly use the standing mk alot when i poke.... OK lets go over a couple of his moves..... THE STANDING MK OK now this does have a good deal of priorty but the reason for this really is beacuse the move hits low...not low i mean..but it hits low i should say i guess. This stops like footines sorta....i dunno its just saying this stops more like low type pokes thats why it has such a high prioirty like i hear all the time....i use this alot though....roll after it alot also...Space your self with it to get you into the postion you feel comfertable with. DUCKING ROUNDHOUSE I think this is a ok move...sometime i here people dont like it but when used at the right distance its a really good poke...and if your being annoying with it, its really good to bait your oponents with....try to poke at max distance with it since it has recovery but the recovery will be a advantage in the baiting process....When you use this like this it gives you alot of time to time moves out of it....example...say your vs balrog(boxer) he blocks ducking sweep at max range you start to do the madien masher motion so right when you get out of it you do the madien masher and he went for a back foward +p or something along the lines of that.....or you can time a oniyaki out of it.....just giveing you examples but i think you know what i mean...Also he is slightly invunrble to ducking lks from certain characters that have realy low he goes over them in a sence and hits this move can be sorta used in footsies.... POKING IN GENRAL well as said earlier i use the standing mk and ducking rounhouse alot....the standing roundhouse is good also...but unfortantly this goes over some ducking oponents so this can sorta be a problem sometimes.....just try to know your characters hieght ect....Iori can really put the pressure on at times.....i use to play him total rushdown but ive changed but still i know he can if you want him to. Ending poking strings with the qcb+p is pretty safe and sets you up to roll after words... TRAPS Ok my main trap with iori is well..a fireball/dp trap....yep his fireball have a less delay than say ryu you can do this......Of course alot of the times when you see a character that jump but are out of range our are in range just do the level 1 madien masher....this beats like everything...shoot slow fireballs when they jump do a level 1 madien masher if the try to roll level 1 madien masher....There is a glitch with chun li and rock and they can get out of this at least in the jumpin part(its a glitch in that they can go threw madien mashers...i havent told anyone how to do it really cuz well hey come one why would i do that!!!??? might be able to do it with more than just them but ive tested just about all the characters and only rock and chun li seem to be able to do.) This is really awsome this trap.....its like kof fireball they do anything you do a madien masher, just try to do the level 1 though i dont try to go higher than that unless its like well all use a level 2 for some added damage and a oniyaki after words.....Level 1 just has a tone of priorty....i was honestly pretty suprised when i did this at least i mean when i started doing this alot cuz its like geez ok i guess it does work in this game....the screen is longer in this game than in cvs1 so this works really can just totaly zone the oponent at times. MAIN STRATAGY OK my basic game plan with iori is to get the lead..heh...oh dumb stratagy eh???...but anyway yeah i get this by playing really offensive in the beging of the match roll ect..throwing after rolls or doing a oniyaki...always do the fierce oniyaki it has more delay of course but i mean if you thought you were gonna hit with something you might as well get as much damage as you can from it right??? Poke a little just get the lead.....when ever i knock the oponent down dash back and do a slow fireball...DASH BACK AFTER A KNOCK DOWN THEN SLOW FIREBALLL...just had to say it again after a throw after what ever every knock down dash back then slow fireball try to bait them to jump in so you can do the madien masher ect....If you feel you need more super after dash back and fireball dash in roll ect....what ever....besides doing the fb/dp type traps always try to be moving..try to be like one countiunes movement the whole match...dash ,rolling ,running what ever..... Then once you feel comfertable go into the fb'dp trap.....its very VERY good when used with the right anticapation. Beats a ton a ton(i dunno did i say it beats alot of things???)of shit...... OK well im gonna stop for getting pretty tired......theres more but i just wanted to get the thread like yeah theres more coming so just wait for it...and it will come. Posted by DETBADBOY on 03:11:2002 07:34 PM: I must say that I play Final Showdown a lot and his stratagy is soo simple.... Roll and grab or Anti-Air Fireball -- super fireball fireball fireball roll roll roll grab And that's all he does.... Same thing w/ his kim Posted by G. Tarrant on 03:11:2002 08:23 PM: Re: (CVS2) IORI advanced strats and tactics...... quote: Originally posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN Bread and butter combo Basicly just down lkX3 qcb+pX3...easy.....effective. I've been reading through your other advanced strategies for CvS2 and I was hoping that you would put one up for Iori. Glad ya did. There is a whole lot of stuff I didn't even know I could do with him. Right now the only combo that I use is a slight variation of yours: s.lpX2 ducking.lp qcb+pX3 for a 6-hit combo. It's a pretty good guard break for me (at least I think that's how it works:confused. I'm gonna try out that trap of yours when I get home. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:11:2002 10:46 PM: Re: Re: (CVS2) IORI advanced strats and tactics...... quote: Originally posted by G. Tarrant I've been reading through your other advanced strategies for CvS2 and I was hoping that you would put one up for Iori. Glad ya did. There is a whole lot of stuff I didn't even know I could do with him. Right now the only combo that I use is a slight variation of yours: s.lpX2 ducking.lp qcb+pX3 for a 6-hit combo. It's a pretty good guard break for me (at least I think that's how it works:confused. I'm gonna try out that trap of yours when I get home. Well what do you mean by gaurd break im also confused?? you mean it does a lotta gaurd damage? That the last hit hits low block oponents??..heh sorry im just confused. ANTI AIR GAME OK of course the main thing your gonna use is the fierce oniyaki..It has a good deal of prioirty and some invincablity....If you can see it basicly you should oniyaki it. Other anti air would be the madien masher.....just try to use the level 1 though.....His ducking fierce is also pretty good....Though it does tend to lose IMO to attacks more than other characters like on button anti airs......Time it a bit early so dont always have to worry about trading hits...the main time your gonna use this is when you wanna switch it up against say P groove to throw off there timing by throwing out early attacks to mess with there timing. ALso a great thing about the ducking fierce is just when you hit the oponent with it cancle into a dark thrust(qcf+p still not sure if thats its name i may be wrong.) Just anti air with the ducking fierce the qcf+p its really knock them back then they land into a fireball..always putting the pressure on....It annoyings them also so you can roll more easily as it frustrtes them. Also against p groove the doing a standing fierce and then cancle into the fierce oniyaki should mess up there timing....A level 1 madien masher is also pretty hard to parry also, even if they do if its time correctly you can do a oniyaki even after there still in the air from parrying the madien masher. Ducking roundhouse to stop early low jumps or if you antipate a hurricane kick say hit them before they are totaly in the air... AIR TO GROUND GAME Well with iori at least with me i just uusaly pick one on the fly....dosnt really matter to much to me just do the roundhouse or fierce. Every now and then you can try the cheap i posted earlier jump in and press back +lk they will think they have toblock then go for a throw. Also if you ever get in those one type game were your jumping straight up trying to bait the oponent the roundhouse is very good...his legs like hooks down really has a pretty low hit box i guess im trying to say. Like say your baiting your oponent trying to bait them like ya know..well say they are ducking and are sorta trying to poke you or get a little say you vs joe and your jumping straight up trying to bait him he does his slide slowly getting in well the roundhouse is really good it hits pretty low so its good in these type situtions and will hit him...... AIR TO AIR GAME sorry...i cant stand behind anything i would say here to much...cuz well i dont get into to many air to air games really with iori.....But i would think that the roundhouse or fierce would work all right against jumpers.(sorry its not like kim were this may happen every once in awhile so i know the high prioirty move to beat theres. Lke with kim if all esle is failing you would probably go for the jumping mk. ok well thats another thread so all stop there.) But fuck i gotta stop there for now i just got some mcdonalds so all be back later probably to add some more stuff. Posted by G. Tarrant on 03:11:2002 11:11 PM: Re: Re: Re: (CVS2) IORI advanced strats and tactics...... quote: Originally posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN Well what do you mean by gaurd break im also confused?? you mean it does a lotta gaurd damage? That the last hit hits low block oponents??..heh sorry im just confused.[B] Ooops. My bad! Shows how much a scrub knows, right? . But[b]GUARD DAMAGE is what I meant. And it does hit low blocking opponents. After they fall, I just rush in (On N-Groove) and do it all over again. Sorry if I confused you. It's taking me an AWFUL long time figurin out what half you guys are actually saying when you post your messages. Is there anywhere on the forums that can teach me all the abbreviations and terms that are used in posts? I'd appreciate the help. Posted by Spartanic on 03:12:2002 03:20 AM: if ur not using him in A ur missin out on alot... along with his overall game CC adds alot to finishing off or breaking someone...cough cough whos blocking not bad thread well later Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:12:2002 04:59 AM: Opss sorry about the pattern part....when i had the mp toward mp it should only be after one lk.....You could just do something like 2 ducking lks into a standing mp or 2 ducking lks into a towards mps but not both....sorry about that... As for A groove well i think its boring. Even if iori was good(well i mean i hear he is really good not that he isnt.)Still i dont plan on picking other characters in A groove. Im sure there will be people that play A groove anyway so if they wanna add any starts i dun care. I just find A groove boring IMO...i dont find anything cool about it. Maybe one day. As for the gaurd damage thing....As long as you do one qcb+p after a chain or something like that, you shouldnt have to worry to much..Just add it on to the end of the combo for a little chip ect.....Once you do 2 though you have a bigger chance to be hit. So be carefull. TRAPS(contiuned.) When you have the oponent in the corner and knock them down throw a slow fireball....Time it so they wake right up into it...Iori has good enough recovery so that you can attack after this pretty effectivly...Do stuff like a ducking lk toward +mp then qcb+p, or like a standing mk....Annoy them basicly. With stuff like this you should get pushed about half screen.....Now from here you can try and go for the fireball/madien masher trap....Your almost to close though alot fo the time...not that it doesnt work but you should try and space your self just a bit more away the next time you get a knock down.....Though since you are about half screen your in a good postion to ethier knock them out of there roll or if try and jump out stick out a early ducking fierce then go into the qcf+P so it hits them when they land. They will most likely block this but perhaps after the qcf+p you dashed back right after it to get just the little bit further to start the fireball/dp/madien masher trap in a really good position.....If you stay in this spot and happen to hit with the madien masher theres a good chance they will fly back right nicely in the corner...So you can countinue to allow them slighty more out of the corner again(setting up for the trap once more) after the knock down from the maiden masher dash back then fireball.....Or after the first madien masher perhaps you wanted to pressure you would shoot a fireball right after it(not dashing back) now depending on the positon and all you may want to dash in so that you can follow up from the fireball more effectivly......Also when you have the oponent in the corner like this, this is another good time when the jumping straight up roundhouse is good....Now say you anticapate them trying to jump out so you jump straight and do a roundhouse, and knock them back down....Now if they had C groove and say they blocked it even more mind game as you can try and follow up(most likely though from the postion that your at you would probably poke with a standing mk say.) or if you think they will roll get ready to throw....Also if you jump straight up and do nothing well if you time the roundhouse like sorta late(well not late but not right when you jump up) remember as i said earlier it like hooks sorta when it hits as in it hits pretty you can use this pretty effectively for a example if joe trys to slide.....Also it sorta takes timing but you can bait them with the ducking roundhouse from the right distance, or do like the dash back roundhouse if you anticapate the roll.....Mix it up you should do fine.....Annoying them with stuff like chipping with the qcb+p everynow and then. Also after the qcb+p if you do it once a lot of times if you do a oniyaki after it you can catch the oponet trying to counter attack. This is good if you guess that well youve been annoying enough for them to try and hit you after it......i wouldnt try to throw though like say if you thought they would block cuz your a bit to far away..but the oniyaki at times works all right. OK thats all for now im lazy and stuff.. Posted by Battousai on 03:12:2002 07:36 AM: thanks for posting this thread... iori is like my favourite character but i'm still trying to learn him well thanks... i also like using his regular combos... ummm... c.lkx3, qcb+px3 does good damage... jp.fp, s.fp, hcb+rk does really good damage but it's kinda hard to get off on a good player and even harder if the guy isn't in the corner cause the s.fp will whiff... hmmmm, you're basic dragonpunch combo works well too... jp.rk, s.fp (or, jab dp... i usually use him in C or N, i would use him in A, but i don't know how to setup his CC and all that i do for his CC is mp.x??, s.RKx2, hcb+rk, c.fp, fp.dp... that does some good damage, but the downfall of that is that the oppenent has to be standing... i know that Gunter has a better CC on his sight, but i can't seem to do it cause i'm stupid... but i think that Iori is a pretty well rounded character... i just wish that he had a simple fireball combo like the shotos... just some thoughts on the guy for ya... Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:12:2002 02:34 PM: Jumping fierce punch standing fierce to hcb+k shouldnt be to hard without the corner....You dont have to be to deep with the jumping fierce....The standing fierce comes out pretty fast so you dont have to worry about doing it to deep. I would guess that would be the problem if your doing the jumping fierce to deep youll get pushed to far away at times.(man i say like the same thing 5 times or something , sorry about that.) IF for some reason that doesnt work you can try a jumping roundhouse to start it but it realy shouldnt matter. The only problem i have with this is that the hcb+k is so dang slow....and if i cancle to slow well than the hcb+k will get blocked and then all get hurt. I think the hcb+k looks cooler definitly, but i think (i think) doing just a qcb+pX3 would do as much damage and probably would be safer. Dont worry to much about fireball combos with iori...I dont think there the best thing with many characters any way since you can roll threw them if you have a groove with rolling. As in those one combos i see a lot of times like ducking lk,lp,mk into fireball well you can roll threw the fireball part so this isnt the best push out tactic anyway.....Iori can do a couple like duck lk, standing fierce , qcf+P...Even with the fierce this wont combo though. Iori has all right recovery so you should be ok if you only do something like this once in awhile. Posted by DeAdLy_EdGe on 03:12:2002 03:11 PM: any good comboes that link up with maiden masher??? Posted by Spartanic on 03:12:2002 05:09 PM: quote: any good comboes that link up with maiden masher??? yep... xx masher or add a fierce and masher theres a bunch of ways but yeah u can link it since its so quick those are just some examples Posted by Battousai on 03:12:2002 06:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by DeAdLy_EdGe any good comboes that link up with maiden masher??? i like using the level one maiden masher for a nice anti air... but i seem to link it by accident usually... but it's like c.lkx3, MM... Posted by Battousai on 03:12:2002 06:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN Jumping fierce punch standing fierce to hcb+k shouldnt be to hard without the corner....You dont have to be to deep with the jumping fierce....The standing fierce comes out pretty fast so you dont have to worry about doing it to deep. I would guess that would be the problem if your doing the jumping fierce to deep youll get pushed to far away at times.(man i say like the same thing 5 times or something , sorry about that.) IF for some reason that doesnt work you can try a jumping roundhouse to start it but it realy shouldnt matter. The only problem i have with this is that the hcb+k is so dang slow....and if i cancle to slow well than the hcb+k will get blocked and then all get hurt. I think the hcb+k looks cooler definitly, but i think (i think) doing just a qcb+pX3 would do as much damage and probably would be safer. Dont worry to much about fireball combos with iori...I dont think there the best thing with many characters any way since you can roll threw them if you have a groove with rolling. As in those one combos i see a lot of times like ducking lk,lp,mk into fireball well you can roll threw the fireball part so this isnt the best push out tactic anyway.....Iori can do a couple like duck lk, standing fierce , qcf+P...Even with the fierce this wont combo though. Iori has all right recovery so you should be ok if you only do something like this once in awhile. well i like the basic ryu type fireball combo cause it's reliable and it doesn't take much to get it going... plus, you can play a lot of mind games with a simple combo like that... i don't know... i just wish that he had one... Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:13:2002 12:24 AM: Yes i also ussaly just use the madien masher as a anti air. If i combo the oponent it will ussaly just be into the qcb+pX3. Like i said earlier doing just like a few ducking lks into a qcf+lk then hcb+p is a easy way to buffer it in a combo.....Do it after a scum gale like mp toward mp(kof that shit.)I dunno shouldnt be to hard to connect with it... Also acctualy about the comboing the hcb+k you can get like a jump in fierce, standing jab(or ducking lk if you want)into a standing fierce into the hcb+k......Unfortanatly i still find this pretty usless as the qcb+pX3 does more damage( i tested it out) and well the hcb+K is iffy at times and is just so freaking slow.....i mean man they coulda just made it like fast but not beat sweeps, or slow but it beats sweeps......but they had to do both....*shakes head* whatever....though i guess beating sweeps with that move and kyos hcb+k is always strange feeling in kof lol why do sweeps not knock me out of this???..heh....oh well....yeah also the hcb+k does no stun damage ethier so it pretty much sucks, most the time..... OK ABOUT THAT ROCK AND CHUN-LI JUMP GLITCH TYPE THING... Ok well i thought perhaps i should go into a bit more detail about this with out giving to much away.....Now i call it a glitch cuz well only rock and chun-li seem to be able to do it.....also it looks messed up and well it shouldnt happen.....So all call it a "sorta glitch" the sorta glitch happpens when you try to anti air with the madien masher at any level dont matter what so ever....rock and chun-li(i mostly tested with rock as thats who my brother plays as.)can basicly go right threw you or like hit you or like block when they shouldnt be able to.....Its wierd....i remember it happend when well im doing the little trap type stuff on my brother and well lets just say he goes right through the madien im just like "dude what the fuck was that shit???" so we go to traning mode and test it out yadda yadda.....anyway ok this is a bad thing IMO.....BUT!!!! can use it to your advantage in some cases.......... ADVANTAGES Rock and chun-li(now this was tested with rock but if the sorta glitch works with chun li also i dont see why we had to see with both.) can not parry or JD the madien masher AT ALL in the air from what we tested....yeah thats right...just keep trying to parry or just defend that shit bitchs.....It anit gonna happen.....Now this is good to a exstent...this is good beacuse well hey there wasting there time and well if your vs some parry happen fiend or something they will just get hit...and of course the level 1 has a ton of priorty so well this is extremly abusable....... DISADVANTAGES well they dont have to parry or jd the thing....heh...yeah if they know how this fucking sucks and is not right....i mean when i play my brothers rock its just pretty much common knowledge that im not gonna be doing the little trap against him most likely....Not that you can not hit with the madien masher i mean you can still knock them out of moves and stuff but then again the madien masher is like they jump you do it dont have to wait for the attack to hit....this is bad though beacuse now you really have to guess or wait for them to attack which takes some quick timing and well you should just go with the oniyaki at this point if it comes here anyway...... OK honestly if you go and try this out just to tell you its very simple the sorta glitch that is....BUT!..Its extremly hard to test on the cpu if say you record what there doing while you do madien mashers or what ever you were doing.....For some reason when you set the computer to do what you have to do...well they eat the madien masher every time...i dunno why the computer just doesnt reconginze( i think i spelled that wrong sorry) that the madein masher shouldnt hit them....PROBABLY BECAUSE IT SHOULD HIT THEM!!!..LOL........but on well if you had a freind over im sure you could find it out in not to long of time....sorta frustrating in a way cuz you can try as hard as you can do your level 3s what ever you wont hit rock or chun li with the madien masher. Honestly cvs2 man i tell ya its full of big time glitchs and tiny ones...ive done so many weird things....I havent figured them out yet but one this one its like a super small thing but its still there so its weird ya know??? ok sorry guys thats it again....i know my tactics in this thread are kinda short and cwappy.....all try to write some better stuff just really lazy and bored and stuff ok later. Posted by Vega on 03:13:2002 01:03 AM: are a machine. LOL. I didn't take time to read through all your strategies so I hope you haven't already talked a lot about this..... I've seen Massu cross up, hoping you will block, and immediately go into his little command throw, if you want to call it a command throw. He then, of course, finishes with a combo like strong, f+strong, and then the auto combo super (I don't know its name). That is a real nice strategy because after blocking a crossup Iori's command throw comes out real quick. Usually an opponent will try to block just for a split second unless it looks like the opponent is going for a throw. However, the command throw comes out so fast that an opponent almost doesn't have time to tell. Very tough! Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:13:2002 01:09 AM: Thanks... yeah its already been talked about....go to throw section. Posted by jballa1 on 03:13:2002 02:07 AM: i combo into maiden smasher by doin the QCBx3 but the second hit knocks u in the air then do a maiden smasher easy as hell Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:13:2002 04:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by jballa1 i combo into maiden smasher by doin the QCBx3 but the second hit knocks u in the air then do a maiden smasher easy as hell ..... Are you saying you do this with normal iori?????....i know you can with orochi iori....ive never done it with regular. How did you do it? Posted by Kim Sue-il on 03:13:2002 07:26 AM: Lately I've been seeming to get cLK, c/sFp, qcb+px3 or hcb+k. Iori's pokes are okay, i like sMP more than sFK as a poke attack. You can't combo with sFK. If your opponent blocks sLK, you can get them with the command grab (hcb,f+p). Iori cMP is nice too. You could use it in N Groove as a run tactic, cMP, fireball. Iori's tick throws are great, since his speed is so good at throws. Iori best short jump attack has to be his jMK IMO. His cross up (b+LK) used as a short jump attack is good, because it sets Iori in for a throw That's all I can think of so far. I know more, but, i need some sleep. Posted by TkD_MaDneSS on 03:13:2002 12:35 PM: Hey showdown, I'm not sure, but I could swear that my friend's Sagat does the same exact stuff. Whenever I try to anti-air him with a MM, the same thing happens. Wow, spartanic must be the first bboy I've seen in the forums. Posted by ShinOrochi on 03:13:2002 02:37 PM: I dont have a good pressure move with iori yet. But ill let you guys know when I get one. Or unless any of you guys have one. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:13:2002 04:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by TkD_MaDneSS Hey showdown, I'm not sure, but I could swear that my friend's Sagat does the same exact stuff. Whenever I try to anti-air him with a MM, the same thing happens. Wow, spartanic must be the first bboy I've seen in the forums. Were talking about the jumping thing with rock and chun-li then eh? I tested nearly every character in the game(maybe i left out a few here and there but i tried with most everyone.)and i dont remember sagat being able to do this.....Just remember to time them accordinly to the level that they are at...level 1 is the easiest to hit with while level 3 being the hardest beacuse of the speed. Remember when your playing and say you use the level 1 you can time it early the priorty doesnt get like lower or anything he beats most anything the whole way through.(at least upperbody wise.)If you time it like right when there about to land or something thats not gonna work with the level 1 its not fast enough....Just try and time it a bit earlier.....Some characters have differnt jumps so just try to know how theres is and change your timing accordinly....Like if you were vs vega well you almost have to anticpate the jump and then do it beacuse its so fast........If my brother wants to play all ask him to try it with me real fast.....though im pretty sure it sagat cant do it... ShinOrochi.... Im sorry but i dont understand what your trying to say. What do you mean by pressure move???...i mean does his roll count as a pressure move????...I guess you could say his fireball is a pressure move since it makes you wanna roll or jump through it.....His hcb+k could be considerd a pressure move but it sucks since it has such a delay....You could try and pressure with his qcb+ps after poking combonations..... Sorry i just dont understand this..... Posted by jballa1 on 03:13:2002 08:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN ..... Are you saying you do this with normal iori?????....i know you can with orochi iori....ive never done it with regular. How did you do it? i guess i have good reflexes actually when the second part hits i do the QCF then when the person is airborne i just do HCF.P but its faster then it sounds i've done it plenty of times with normal Iori never with Orochi Iori i mostly do it with his lvl 3 maiden smasher. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:13:2002 08:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by jballa1 i guess i have good reflexes actually when the second part hits i do the QCF then when the person is airborne i just do HCF.P but its faster then it sounds i've done it plenty of times with normal Iori never with Orochi Iori i mostly do it with his lvl 3 maiden smasher. =/ Well i dunno what to say i guess......Sigh all give you the benifit of a dout and try again maybe later....ive never done it with regualr iori.......can any one else verfiy that you can do this with normal iori? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:14:2002 12:22 AM: OK i treid that out and i have no fucking idea how you can get a madien masher after the qcb+p with normal iori.....i dunno i have the japanese cvs2 so maybe this is differnt or something.....?...i dunno what ever anyway... I also had my brother try that sagat thing.....No you shouldnt have a problem getting sagat in the madien masher. hmmm......dang well ok since this post is kinda little ad crappy all add some usless stuff to it.....well sorta usless kinda not but yeah its usless i mean in that you should probably know cuz well ya know.......umm right... TIDBITS Ioris toward +mp hits low oponents....So you can use this for poking and getting a little in on the oponent. Also you can cancle it and you can do a standing strong to this....Its basicly his old KOF chain of standing fierce toward+Lp....Again though the fact that this hits low is a good thing....not many times do you want your moves to miss crouching oponents..and this move is no exception. Decently fast also. His top down attack is toward +mk......its hits crouching oponents.....and ummm...Well it has a good little movement foward.....If you wanna call that good. So its good in away that your moving so you may fake them out but it has a bit more start up. If your really close and your feeling lucky you can go into the commmand grab(scum gale hcb,foward+p) after this...Now to try and make this a almost acceptable tactic is that fact that alot of times after top down attacks doing a shoryuken type move(in ioris case that would be the oniyaki) after it hits is good...beacuse when you get with a top down attack you sorta are frustrated and many times you will try say a sweep right after to poke them since your mad...and well then you do the oniyaki cuz your smart and expected this.....Or you could try a poke after it since you get moved so foward that you are allowed to do a poking combonation right after in some cases......again though top down attacks can be risky unless the oponent is smoking the fruity pebble purple peach tree trunks, or is be carefull, ok? His standing fierce is a cool looking version of his CD attack from kof....i remember when the game was first coming out and people were mad about this...i dunno i think it looks pretty cool IMO....Its cancable even when far so that pretty good. hmmmm....cant think of any thing right now......ok thats all i guess than. later Posted by Battousai on 03:14:2002 05:36 AM: alright... lets start posting some match ups... i think that this is the most important part of the game... so far i found that i've had immense trouble with a decent Hibiki, i could just imagine what a good hibiki would do to my Iori... and i found that a good Zaki is also really hard to beat with Iori... any suggestions??? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:14:2002 06:03 AM: Hmm well i got to get some sleep so i wont be to tired for work tommorow so all just post some thoughts now.... Also by zaki do you mean maki???.... anywho... MAKI I dont see maki being a problem.....maki is well she isnt the best character...I play as her also so im not like trying to rag on her or anything...When she runs jump straight up if she runs backwords you can jump straight up.....Jump straight Like i said earlier ioris leg on his roundhouse hooks like downwards in a sence so if maki even trys to get close to you while you are jumping staright up her running games stop...jumping straight up is the genral counter for her runing games. This will beat the top down attack and her slide attack if she tries to dash stop...Thats not gonna hurt you....I guess i would be carefull when shooting fireballs though beacuse even if shes runing back words she can just cancle into the jump towards you....Her jump has alot of range so this is good and bad cuz well she can like jump the whole screen which hurts the fireball /madien masher trap.....though again since her jump is so high and such and ioris fireball should have enough time to recovery when used correctly. Though this shouldnt be a problem in case she is baiting your oniyakis with her down +mp in the air, then you wiff and she hits you.(though again this shouldnt be a problem, as you should just wait till she is close to you then do the oniyaki.) You can always just use the ducking fierce for your anti air then when you hit cancle into the qcf+p to add pressure....The ducking fierce you shouldnt have to be to worried about getting like hit or anything like that...Or again make sure she is close for the oniyaki....Really maki is hard to win me i know... The runing games with her are very hard to be effective with maki when i play with her is very hit and run and poke and such like that...Like even when i do run its like back and forth just trying to annoying stoping to poke then bait someone and do the KK speical.....Often all throw myself in a corner with her (or bait the oponent to get close to me so i can get in the corner). then all try to use all of my wall moves to my advantage and get something going. And if i get the lead i just run away basicly and just try to poke when i can......IMO maki just isnt as good as iori.....she has a few things, but its a up hill battle every match i would say with her.....Again though jumping straight up in a genral maki counter do it alot and especialy if you see the run....its boring but well hey you wannna win right???.....I would watch out for the super throw on wake up, watch for it out of rolls also...Just remember that it can be done on the ground as in the air.......I dont really use it for the air myself as that takes a bit of anticapation to say the least.......Maki has slow ducking lks so rolling on her shouldnt be to much problem.(not that she cant knock ya out of rolls cuz she could always go with say like a ducking mk and stick it out there, but!...maki has a very low cancleable move even then unless she cancled it into a super dont worry to much.)Acctualy even if she ran at you and treid to do like the high low mix could just roll into oniyaki. Really though you shouldnt worry to much....Tell me whats giving ya trouble and all try and help ya. As for hibiki being a problem...i dun see this really ethier....though tell me whats wrong and all try to help.... Though this is good cuz character match ups are pretty important for well he has alot of them. As in that well say some one like blanka ya know....thats a total mtach up at times in that well he already has a advantage over iori that must characters dont have.....So for more than others character match up play a more important role in ioris gameplan...... If anyone else has opionons on the character match up feel free to add.....LOL..i mean all do it....but i mean It seems as if my threads like half the time im the only one talking....its cool though if thats how ya want it okies..... Now for some sleep.... later. Posted by blood_sin on 03:14:2002 07:36 AM: I think he means yamazaki, people use zaki for short sometimes, apparently 8 is too many letters. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:15:2002 04:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by blood_sin I think he means yamazaki, people use zaki for short sometimes, apparently 8 is too many letters. oh!!!...thanks. Anyway sorry about that.....its my fault for not being down with the all the internet slang and type stuff. Acctualy thats happend to me before i belive as well.....oh well ok lets start this thing..... YAMAZAKI OK first of all.....all give yamazaki credit...he can gaurd break pretty damn fast......Though honestly i dont think yamazaki should be to much problematic. OK here are some things to watch out for....His jump is real fast. yeah real make sure when your close you have your quick fingers ready to oniyaki him.....Or just be ready for a quick down fierce.....The jump can be pretty im sure it seems like i just am stupid or something like oh this kid is just being dum or something.....I dunno but besides a few things like his annoying jump and his gaurd crush ablity i dont think he is that hard for iori. I mean ioris roll is so fast and so LONG that when he has you in that standing roundhouse range you could almost just like wait for him to do it then go into the roll then throw. dash back fireballs....yamazaki is pretty slow so you shouldnt worry about him pressuring you from a distance...and also like i said you could acctualy purposly almost go into his good range but beacuse of ioris roll this will work to your advantage....Ioris roll should be good against yamazaki...(heh well ioris roll is just good all together.) Also i would suggest jumping in a few times....or well i mean dont jump in stupid...but i mean if youve jumped in on him with iori or one of your other characters like lets say super jumped.....You jumped a good ranged towards him. Ok so when he has a super bait him with jumping straight up...dont do a move though....hopefully you bait his level 3 super jump thing.( i dunno didnt play to much yamazaki in KOF ethier so im not to sure on his names.) Dont try any moves while you jump though you dont wanna let him grab any limbs.....Also the reason i said jump from pretty far away is well beacuse you dont wanna jump to close since it is fairly fast......Also since this may become annoying you may acctualy just make him not want to use that super at all so you may be able to jump in for a combo or a blocked type string if lucky...though really hopefully you can get him just to waste the super. If you have low jump you could try something like low jump, to qcb+p to annoy also....hmmmmm......becarefull of the throw super when rolling.... HIBIKI Shouldnt pose to much prolem ethier......Like example say your kim right(which i play as) ok so hibki also has you in this mid sorta range game....but kims roll is fast which is good..but since she has you at that mid range perhaps she is just like pokeing you straight back there( though really if you time the anit air you should hit her pokes and well it should be to much trouble......BUT!!!..thats a differnt thread!! i move on.)...well iori has the speed and the range so you can just get were you need to be and beat her. Also her jump is just big time Oniyaki bait......i mean it just like is IMO.....Fireball/ dp her big time......though once she hit me out of the maiden masher with her jumping hk... its always strange when that gets dunno i remember i had a freind who played her quite a bit and i just did the fireball/dp trap alot.....fuck her up get the lead start it up.....hit her a few times go back...kill her some more......... I dunno...try to give me some examples of what is So a So doing thats beating you, or giveg you trouble....all try and help you find away around it.... Posted by WiLD_DaIGo on 03:15:2002 05:02 AM: .. wats a good groove to use iori in, i use c groove, but ive never tried S or N groove before, and dont know if i should just stick to C, I dont know wat advantages he gains from using S or N, the only thing i know is that you can trick some opp. that ur running when ur actually using his qcb+k move where he runs and slams you to the ground ,so any suggestions would help Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:15:2002 05:32 AM: I playt iori in C groove mostly. i would say that i would stay away from S groove iori...not that hes not good...but S groove only certain characters really benifit from it.... N groove iori is good runing is good...but not for the reason you mentioned....At least i wouldnt count on always trying to fool someone with the hcb+k move..its just so risky.... From S groove he gains infinite madien mashers....this is good cuz well the fireball/dp/madien masher trap is really good...Though then again i big reason this is good is when you are wining and they have to attack in a well your almost being dead doesnt exactly make you wining....still not bad but its more effective when you have the lead......ioris dodge is lacking in the poke department though...Not that the standing roundhouse is bad....but the fact that some opponents can duck under it hurt badly.....His punch out of the dodge how ever is very fast......has a good deal of priorty over moves as well as long as there waist high...if you see a poke above waist hieght theres a good chance you can land the dodge punch then go into qcb+pX3.....when they jump in doing a dodge then go into scum gale can work at times......I wouldnt suggest trying to do the dodge into scum gale(hcb+foward+p his throw) when your both on the ground as the range is pretty lacking.....The dodge punch is good though you can use it as a allright normal anti say that they jump in and this time you cancle the dodge with the punch then go into qcf+p.......Remember that dodge has no delay so you can go directly to blocking or oniyaki ect...You can bait the them in to jumping with a few more tactics in S groove such as...after you knock them down you dash back shoot slow fireball begging charging....this will make them most likely wanna attack you more so this is good so you can bait them with the oniyaki some more. After the oniyaki dash back fireball then charge again ect...stuff like that....Dodge can be farily effective against people who like to do dp type attacks on wake ups.....just after the knock down say your close....stand above them maybe do some badly timed ducking lks the when they standing up go into dodge then they miss and you hit them......mess around with stuff like that......Though again i dont think dodgeing is as efective with as say like ryu who can poke then fierce next time poke dodge fierce....cuz since with iori alot of characters can duck under the roundhouse this hurts you alot..... In N groove he gets stocks so basicly you have 4 level 1 madien mashers which is good...beacuse well the level 1 is the only thing you really need......Breaking stocks is all right but i dont think this helps iori as much as other characters.....Also when you break a stock this makes it so if you do a super it has to be the level 3 which is frustrating in the sence that you have to time it better than the level 1s. You get the rolling get up in N groove so say some one knock you down and they dont chase after you so you can countinue exactly what you were doing very quickly........ Both of the grooves have running so if you feel like following up your fireballs this is much easier with S and N grooves. Shoot slow fireball run after it then if you have N you could then roll and try to poke....If you have S run after fireball then stop and maybe start charging to piss them off...... Just some examples....i like C groove iori though......supers charge up fast level 2 madien masher to fierce oniyaki is a combo i use alot....Ioris dash is really good for his game. though then again i use to all be about N groove iori....i only really switched so i could have him with kim in tournments and such.....So play around with thim...and what ever you feel comfertable using you should use. EDIT: you get low jump those grooves....Just like low jump roundhouse fierce oniyaki easy....Though sometimes i get messed up from low jumping since i played so much KOF. timings wierd in this game. Posted by IAM83X on 03:15:2002 06:51 AM: ? Posted by WiLD_DaIGo on 03:15:2002 08:01 AM: ... whoa man dats alot of typing u did, tnx for the info on the grooves appreciate the time u spent man, i think ill just stick to C groove, because with iori I use ken, rock or vice, so using this groove pretty much means i can use it for all of them, tnx again FinalShowdown Posted by WKDCLWN on 03:15:2002 02:35 PM: I tried that Iori combo and I don't think that it is possible. Well Clayton since this is a Iori thread, how about some tatics to avoid Iori's attacks? What do you recommend to use against Iori? Dealing with his highly abusable roll? What about against his cute little fireball>super trap? Thanks Posted by SagarSanosuke on 03:17:2002 05:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by G. Tarrant I JUST tried this his method out and it works great with the first part of the combo I posted: Rush-in: lpX2, mp, qcb+pX2, qcf/hcb+p (14-hits) This may take some time to get cause IMO this combo is extremely hard to time unless you can do the Maiden Masher at any situation at anytime.... Posted by Battousai on 03:17:2002 06:28 PM: okay.. i just got punked by chun li over and over and over yesterday at the arcade... it just wasn't funny... i was gonna pick someone else to beat her, but i'm a stubborn guy and i wanted to do it with Iori... so help against a good poking chun li... Posted by G. Tarrant on 03:17:2002 06:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by SagarSanosuke This may take some time to get cause IMO this combo is extremely hard to time unless you can do the Maiden Masher at any situation at anytime.... It's a tad bit easier to pull it off if your opponent is in the corner. When he gets knocked into the air once you've initiated the command for the MM, the second he begins to land it's over. I guess I should also say that I'm doing this on a consolde, NOT an arcade machine. If you're on a console, keep trying it in the Training Mode. Posted by WiLD_DaIGo on 03:17:2002 09:16 PM: .. i cant get that combo to work , does it work for all grooves???? cuz after i do two qcb+p , and do the super i end up doing another punch, can some1 help me with this? Posted by Trinnedy on 03:18:2002 05:41 AM: Normal Iori alright... only in EX groove! Enable "super combo cancel", then it's easier to do then linking his super off a short... Don't even bother trying to do this on arcade, unless you're in CC... Posted by cheese_master on 03:18:2002 04:52 PM: Who ever the dumbfuck that posted that fake ass combo is should be banned from SRK for wasting the time of those who bothered to try this BS. HOW THE FUCK DOES YOUR DUMBASS NOT UNDERSTAND THAT YOU TURNED ON EX GROOVES SUPER CANCELING????? People like you are why the SRK strats and tactics section is BS now. Here was a good Iori thread started... and now two pages have been taken up by your fake ass shit. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:18:2002 10:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by cheese_master Who ever the dumbfuck that posted that fake ass combo is should be banned from SRK for wasting the time of those who bothered to try this BS. HOW THE FUCK DOES YOUR DUMBASS NOT UNDERSTAND THAT YOU TURNED ON EX GROOVES SUPER CANCELING????? People like you are why the SRK strats and tactics section is BS now. Here was a good Iori thread started... and now two pages have been taken up by your fake ass shit. I agree...i have no idea how this combo is working other than ex grooves.....i will give them a benfit of a dout though and all just leave it at that..... ok first of all sorry to all of you ive been like lazy....ive seen the stuff and im like gonna write replys...and then im like....hmm all write it tommorw.....ect....ect..... ok lets get it started though.... WKDCLWN.... heh...sorry man.....i cant tell you how to beat i dunno try to knock him out of his roll with moves that stay out long like mk ect....other than that well i dunno...or i mean i do know some things but all keep it to my self....sorry.. Battousai.... Chun li eh???....another character that straight up jumping will help you against......Ok chun li si like annoying sorta...she has a lot of air piroity sorta i dunno...i find her roll annoying as well(i dunno not like its a awsome roll or anything but its wierd i guess)....i dunno its like when i play her, her stuff isnt comboing but it is like...i dunno she pokes wierd.....if that makes anysence......again though jump straight up with roundhouse...try to force her to stay to the ground more so you dont have to deal with that prority so much.......Te fireball/ with the maiden masher is harder to do beacuse of her really long jump.....Also of course chun li also has the sorta glitch with her jump so you gotta be real carefull doing this. When she jump and goes for cross ups when she does her down foward +hk(i belive this is her neck breaker kick flip thing)....roll then oniyaki or what ever depending on your sitution and postion. Its diffucult to oniyaki her beacuse since the flames dont hit you can litearaly just go right through her....its pretty lame but whatever. So when her cross up game start try to roll away or if you anticapate it jump straight up and chun li as ive said earlier has alot of air priority at times so your gonna try to really time your roundhouse well when you jump straight up...once you take away all her jumping ect.....rush her down....try to poke ect...ducking lkX3 then standing mk stuff like that....cross her up with your rolls all that kinda stuff...if you do use the fireball/dp trap just remember dont use the madien masher as i said ealier.........Since her pokes dont really combo( i dunno its wierd i guess.)try to roll between her poking combo nations then throw or oniyaki depending on what you feel you will hit with....Again though since her poking doesnt really combo remember to try and get the feel for how this person is doing it then roll between the pokes.I know i repeat my self sorry. Poke her back with standing mks maybe a foward +mp then go into qcb+lp then roll behing throw or oniyaki. OK sorry i know my strats sound the same alot..but i really do have a pretty basic stratagy on the core i guess.....i use alot of the same stuff.... Ok another tid bit from a bit away you can try a toward+mp to knock people out of rolls....i did this a couple times.....i guess i never thought of it before....worked all right....all have to try it some more perhaps. Posted by Battousai on 03:19:2002 02:22 PM: thanks showdown... thanks for all the help again... i don't know if it'll work, cause i don't get a chance to play until saturdays... but we'll find out... and i download some vids of that paris tourney... and it's got some iori on it... damn iori is fucking amazing!!! well at least how this guy played him... just constant pressure... i'm gonna have to try and learn that... i'm more of a turtler... maybe some work, and i'll be able to get iori where i want him... thanks a lot again... hopefully you'll be able to answer my questions later on in the future... Posted by cheese_master on 03:19:2002 04:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by Battousai and i download some vids of that paris tourney... and it's got some iori on it... damn iori is fucking amazing!!! well at least how this guy played him... just constant pressure... What vids? Got the link? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:20:2002 12:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by Battousai thanks showdown... thanks for all the help again... i don't know if it'll work, cause i don't get a chance to play until saturdays... but we'll find out... and i download some vids of that paris tourney... and it's got some iori on it... damn iori is fucking amazing!!! well at least how this guy played him... just constant pressure... i'm gonna have to try and learn that... i'm more of a turtler... maybe some work, and i'll be able to get iori where i want him... thanks a lot again... hopefully you'll be able to answer my questions later on in the future... no prob.......hope they work all right for ya. Posted by Fake on 03:21:2002 10:46 AM: (pretty deep advanced stuff): alot of this stuff has to do with canceling and timing, please don't say they work cuz they are tested =P, d/f.hp, qcbx3 works (takes time to get used to) u can combo/poke with his headbutt nice standing poke combos:,c.lp, headbutt (f+hp), qcbx1 (or 2) (up close) lp, f+lk,, (whatever u want)i usually go mk after that. (note it has to be done with timing or else they can roll outta it, and make sure the f+lk is the one where he hits you low with a standing kick) corner basic lockdown: lp.fireball, xx mp, hp.fireball. (best works as theyre getting up) __________________________________________________ _______________ standard CC:,, hcb+fk,, hcb+fk,, etc, end with m.masher. (think it works antiair at a certain point, its 3:00am so im not sure) blocked CC: hcb+hk x99.make sure you cancel after the 1st touch. just keep doing them and the chip damage + guard damage will rack up so quick.if u feel like the need to , mix it up with a f+mk (overhead) and then if it connects, look above @ CC. up close, can do the bread&butter with x4. f+mp, qcb+fp x1 works nice for a lil pressure game. think final mentioned it, but b+lk in the air is a good fake out into whatever. ill post more stuff later. popo out. p.s.: lol this is the 1st time i posted anything in this forum. go easy Posted by Battousai on 03:21:2002 02:33 PM: actually, it worked really good against hibiki... i just mixed things up a lot... faked the crossover a couple times, kepting rolling, and that stupid combo does not work... qcb+px2 into maiden masher... i must have sat at the arcade for over an hour to get it going... nada... i lost iori a couple of times cause i tried it... ohyeah... what i've found to work alot is jumping in with the mk and once you land... throw... it worked great... ohhh... and i was on and some videos had iori in it... he's a pretty powerful character in A-groove... i'm amazed cause this guys rushdown and trap was really good... and his simple fireball combo of c.lpx2,, qcf.fp... was really good... and he jumped in with middle punch a lot too... it doesn't stun, but it has a nice low angle to hit... that's just what i saw... i still gotta see if your tip worked for chun li... thanks again showdown... Posted by SakuraForever on 03:21:2002 03:05 PM: Um, I know that super combo is possible with Dead Iori, but not Regular Iori. Could this be the source of confusion? Fuck, with Dead Iori, you can cancel the QCBx3 into a DP if you want, or the Super. I like A-Groove Iori, he's got some decent shit in A-Groove. Nine crouching roundhouses, all sorts of little jiggly throw-games into DPs and super. -Ben Weeks PS: I suck at A-Groove though..but I'm learning. Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 03:22:2002 09:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by Fake (pretty deep advanced stuff): alot of this stuff has to do with canceling and timing, please don't say they work cuz they are tested =P, d/f.hp, qcbx3 works (takes time to get used to) u can combo/poke with his headbutt nice standing poke combos:,c.lp, headbutt (f+hp), qcbx1 (or 2) (up close) lp, f+lk,, (whatever u want)i usually go mk after that. (note it has to be done with timing or else they can roll outta it, and make sure the f+lk is the one where he hits you low with a standing kick) corner basic lockdown: lp.fireball, xx mp, hp.fireball. (best works as theyre getting up) __________________________________________________ _______________ standard CC:,, hcb+fk,, hcb+fk,, etc, end with m.masher. (think it works antiair at a certain point, its 3:00am so im not sure) blocked CC: hcb+hk x99.make sure you cancel after the 1st touch. just keep doing them and the chip damage + guard damage will rack up so quick.if u feel like the need to , mix it up with a f+mk (overhead) and then if it connects, look above @ CC. up close, can do the bread&butter with x4. f+mp, qcb+fp x1 works nice for a lil pressure game. think final mentioned it, but b+lk in the air is a good fake out into whatever. ill post more stuff later. popo out. p.s.: lol this is the 1st time i posted anything in this forum. go easy hey man its cool.....fuck man im suprised im acctualy having a good bit of people reply to the threads for its jsut me and a few its cool to have some differnt opinons and tactics and ect ect..... Battousai.... hey im glad they worked ok......again alot of the things i use are really the same so my strats wont be to much differnt from character to character nescarly.(man i fucked the spelling up on that one.) Hope the chun li stuff works for ya....About the combo its down with dont worry about it.... SakuraForever.... Yeah i talked about how it can be down with orochi iori but not normal(at least i think i did)...but anyway i already talked to the person about so just leave it in the past. Its done with. Oh yeah thanks again to everyone thats posting in the thread..... it boggles the mind that this thread isnt just me and a few others talking. (not that no one posts in my ryu or kim threads cuz ya do....thanks to you guys to!!!!!! ..just saying that this thread has a bit more life to it so to speak.) ok later All times are GMT. The time now is 11:56 PM. 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